Tag Archives: Tyne and Wear

Settle Down Cafe hosts Archives Exhibition

We’ve installed one of our exhibitions at The Settle Down Cafe in Newcastle. It’s called, “Out of One Eye: the photography of Jimmy Forsyth” Why not pop along and have a look…? Let me know what you think. Jimmy Forsyth… Read more

Photographic collection gets its own room in the Archive Stores

A recent move of material over to the Northern Region Film & Television Archive at Teesside University www.nrfta.org.uk meant that a small room became vacant in the archive stores at Discovery Museum.  The Archivists and the Conservation Officers agreed that this… Read more

The Winners! The Renaissance North East Volunteers Awards 2011

We celebrated our volunteers and staff who support volunteers in style at the Renaissance North East Volunteers Awards 2011 last weekend, at the Great North Museum:Hancock. The standard of nominations were exceptionally high this year and the judges had some very… Read more

An explosive flower show

Towards the end of August a member of the public dropped some items off at the reception desk in South Shields Museum & Art Gallery. The individual preferred not to leave a name or contact details, but the items were… Read more

Double Dividends!

I’ve recently been cataloguing a collection of old Green Shield Stamp items, including the booklets used to collect the stamps and a catalogue of gifts redeemable through the scheme. The Green Shield Trading Stamp Company was founded in 1958 by… Read more