Tag Archives: Immigration

Out of Chaos – art that makes you think

One of the important things in our lives is our idea of who we are and where we belong. But our settled sense of identity can be uncomfortably challenged by new situations and places. Güler Ates’ photograph dramatically conveys the feeling of… Read more


Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums has recently teamed up with researchers at Northumbria University to encourage new thinking and comment around important subjects, such as Britishness, migration, and culture in an industrial region. Each week, for four weeks, we’ll… Read more

Preparations for a new permanent gallery at Discovery Museum

Discovery Museum was recently awarded a grant from the government and The Wolfson Foundation charity to refurbish one of our permanent galleries. It was the second highest award given out across the country! Find out more here   Preparing for… Read more

Fascinating diaries to be made available to the public for the first time

Since my last blog in late April work has been going well on the ‘We Mak’em’ Sunderland Shipbuilding archives project. Colin and I have both been working on the project’s biggest collection – the records of William Doxford & Sons… Read more