Tag Archives: Bartram and Sons Ltd

Remembering the shipyard workers

An earlier blog contained several images of the ship ‘Northern Star’ including an unusual one of workers preparing the slipway for the launch.  It reminded me of how rare and precious such images are. The Archives cares for tens of thousands… Read more

Progress update from the Sunderland Shipbuilding archives project

I’m delighted to report that work is going very well on the Sunderland Shipbuilding archives project. Colin and I have nearly finished cataloguing the very extensive records of Bartram & Sons Ltd and hope to make the completed catalogue available… Read more

Revelations of racial discrimination at sea, discovered in the plans of the Sunderland shipbuilding firm, Bartram & Sons

I’m pleased to report that work continues apace with the Sunderland Shipbuilding archives project. Colin and I are both currently working on the records of Bartram & Sons Ltd. The Bartrams shipyard was located at South Dock, Sunderand and was… Read more

An update on progress with the Sunderland Shipbuilding archives project

Readers of my previous blogs may remember that in October I gained a ‘glamorous’ assistant, Colin. Over the last few months he’s been working hard sorting and listing a very large series of ships plans for the firm Bartram &… Read more

Recent developments on the ‘We Mak’em’ Sunderland Shipbuilding archives project

It’s been an exciting past month on the Sunderland Shipbuilding archives project. For one thing I now have a ‘glamorous’ assistant, Colin Boyd, who will be working part-time with me for the next year. Colin has worked in the shipbuilding… Read more