Tag Archives: plein air painting

Sketched in the landscape – Constable’s ‘Dedham Lock and Mill’ 1817

One of the treats for me of the Laing’s current exhibition of Sketching from Nature is Constable’s large oil study of Dedham Lock and Mill. It has such vibrancy and immediacy – we can feel that we’re looking through the artist’s… Read more

JMW Turner : The Thames Near Walton Bridges, 1805

Fresh, vivid, spontaneous – this is one of Turner’s most attractive oil sketches, I think. He’s responding to the visual sensations of this spot on the River Thames – the colours and shapes of the landscape, and the light flooding… Read more

John Constable : Hampstead Heath with the House Called ‘The Salt Box’, about 1819

A bright patch of colour – a man wearing a red waistcoat – pulls our eyes out to the far right of this picture, ensuring that we don’t miss the full width of this airy panorama. It shows the view… Read more

Take a look behind the scenes as a new exhibition goes up

Ana, the museum service’s picture conservator, is making the last cleaning touches to a painting for the new exhibition of pictures from the Laing’s collection. She’s using moistened cotton wool wound around a special cleaning stick – a painstaking job. The… Read more