Tag Archives: John Hodgson

The legend of St. Cuthbert – a journey of discovery by Kate Buckley

My name is Kate Buckley and I am a third year History student at Newcastle University. I also act as a Library Volunteer in the Great North Museum: Hancock Library where I work with the fascinating collection of books that… Read more

The engraving of John Hodgson

H. F. S. Mackreth produced the miniature of John Hodgson for inclusion in Hodgson’s work ‘The History of Northumberland’. This meant an engraving had to be produced from it so that multiple copies could be made for the books. An… Read more

H. F. S. Mackreth

Whilst I was researching the picture of John Hodgson for the Wall Face exhibition (on display at Segedunum Roman Fort) I was interested to find out that the painter of the original portrait used as the base for the published engraving,… Read more