Posts by venue: Discovery Museum

Guest post – Tim Shaw

Transmit / Receive The First World War accelerated technological innovation. Many of the devices developed were used to generate or listen to sound for communication purposes. From radio broadcasts to early underwater microphones, listening was a key strategy in the… Read more

Bungling burglars and sweet-toothed thieves

Over the past six months I’ve been popping into the local studies libraries in North Shields and South Shields to look through local newspapers from the early Twentieth Century. The reason for this has been my fascination with one particular… Read more

Dazzle Painting of ships in the First World War and the model of ss Hindustan

Although we have hundreds of ship models in our collections, only one of them is dazzle painted.  The tramp steamer ss Hindustan was launched in July 1917 by Bartram and Sons Ltd., Sunderland and completed for the Hindustan Steam Shipping… Read more

Running with the Greats – a guest post by David Wright

With the Great North Greats exhibition now open at Discovery Museum, visitors have been pouring in, taking our visitor counter to almost 35,000 already! The exhibition brings together the world of sport and industry, using the one millionth finish of… Read more

Some Assembly Required

Every so often you come across a story so extraordinary that you can barely believe it really happened.  Such is the saga of the ss Baikal, which I stumbled upon whilst innocently cataloguing a box of old photographs… By 1895… Read more