Tag Archives: sport

Potshare Bowling – An almost forgotten sport of North East England

We are just coming to the end of ‘Home and Away’, a Heritage Lottery funded exhibition and project looking at the history of North East Sport and the modern Olympics. One of the aims of Home and Away was to… Read more

The Tyne Regatta of August 1843

  A few months back TWAM acquired an interesting group of items relating to one of the early Tyne Regattas, held in August 1843.     For a modest sum we purchased a silver cup that was awarded to the… Read more

NUFC. For the love of football

The next exhibition that I am curating at Discovery Museum is all about Newcastle United. I’m working with Mick Edmondson who owns The Backpage, a sporting memorabilia shop in Newcastle. He is a massive Newcastle fan and has an amazing… Read more