Tag Archives: History

The Tank and the Officer in the Tower

This blog has been written by Colin Boyd, a volunteer (and good friend) who has been helping to catalogue the plans in our remarkable Vickers Armstrong collection. Whilst working on the Vickers Armstrongs archive I came across a very good… Read more

Women in pictures – a few photos from TWAM’s online collection, Part II

As a volunteer at Discovery Museum, I’ve been helping with some work in the TWAM online photo collection, and along the way I’ve found some great photos I’d like to share with you featuring women.  Part I of this guest… Read more

The Cultural History of Technology

Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums has recently teamed up with researchers at Northumbria University to encourage new thinking and comment around important subjects, such as Britishness, migration, and culture in an industrial region. Each week, for four weeks, we’ll… Read more