Tag Archives: charity

Newcastle West End Foodbank

We want Discovery Museum to be a place where people can find out more about contemporary issues and where people can discuss these issues. We recently found out what would be in a food parcel that would be given out… Read more

Newcastle Improved Industrial Dwellings

I wonder how many of those who now live in the Garth Heads student accommodation know the history of this listed building. During the 19th century concern grew about the poor conditions that many working class families lived under in… Read more

Getting stuck in

It’s great to see Unity Trust Bank being recognised for their employee engagement efforts at this year’s Business Charity Awards. Our Business Partners have taken part in similar things over the last year and I know how rewarding they find… Read more

I wouldn’t thank you for one of these!

As well as cash donations, we do get many wonderful and curious objects donated to us here at TWAM. I am however, eternally thankful that we don’t actually run a charity shop like many other charities do. I found this… Read more