Tag Archives: unemployment

Newcastle West End Foodbank

We want Discovery Museum to be a place where people can find out more about contemporary issues and where people can discuss these issues. We recently found out what would be in a food parcel that would be given out… Read more

A Life Changing Experience – John Nicholls

I wanted to give you a real insight into how volunteers feel about their experience, in particular with the Culture Track volunteer project that I have been coordinating for the last 2 years. John kindly has agreed to be interviewed… Read more

Karaoke, Tom Jones and Culture Track Volunteers

We wanted to do something a little bit different to thank the Culture Track volunteers for all their efforts and to celebrate the success of the project. So we held a celebration event in the Great Hall at the Discovery… Read more

Culture Track Museums Careers Conference

On August 13th, we hosted the first ‘Culture Track Museum Careers Conference’ at the Discovery Museum. It was an action packed day, to give volunteers the opportunity to find out more about museum careers through interactive workshops, presentations, and networking… Read more