Tag Archives: bfi

An explosive flower show

Towards the end of August a member of the public dropped some items off at the reception desk in South Shields Museum & Art Gallery. The individual preferred not to leave a name or contact details, but the items were… Read more

Volunteering, Employability and Accessibility – Paul Casson

Paul is one of the fantastic Culture Track volunteers, who has continued volunteering with us even after securing paid employment. Paul began volunteering with us at the Discovery Museum and is now volunteering within BFI Mediatheque in the Archives. He’s… Read more

Sooty and Sweep (1963)

Sooty and Sweep star in ‘We Dispense With Accuracy’ on BFI Mediatheque. For those of us of ‘a certain age’ Sooty and Sweep were stalwarts of our childhood, along with Andy Pandy and Captain Scarlett. This 10 minute gem from… Read more