I’m currently preparing to present at the Culture Shock conference at the end of September and feeling rather nostalgic. Looking back at some of the stories that the volunteers from Culture Track created I’m so impressed with the work that they produced, many using Macbooks for the first time. This was such a fantastic experience. We learnt a lot during this time and got to know each other, as many of the volunteers had just joined Culture Track.
Culture Shock, not to be confused with Culture Track, was a digital storytelling project that brought diverse groups of people together to explore the museum collections and use the objects to reflect on and inspire their own digital stories.
It’s funny how the museum objects spark so many memories. Our stories have now been accessioned into the museum collections and will remain as a permanent object in the collections.

We had a big celebration event at the end of the project where we screened all of our films at the GNM:Hancock Museum in the Culture Shock Exhibition
There are some really thought provoking stories that I’m sure you will enjoy. If you would like to see the stories that we made please follow the links to the Culture Shock Website….
David Paterson – Learning the Hard Way
Paul Casson – Activities Made Accessible
John Nicholls – Clutter
Brian Thompson – Mary O’Neil
Colin Armstrong – Football at Segedunum
Malcolm Hunter – Changes
Sam Richardson – Ted the Pipes and the Matchstick Pyramid
Richard Hindmarch – Blow Up
Stephen Watson – Train Journey
Lauren Prince – Curls