Tag Archives: UOSH

Sounds like Christmas! Songs from Fenwick’s Christmas Window – Dominique Bell, UOSH Project Manager

Christmas doesn’t seem quite complete without a visit to Fenwick’s Christmas Window, does it?   With Christmas fast approaching, we’ve been enjoying digitising and cataloguing material from the Fenwick Archive, which is held by Tyne & Wear Archives. This collection… Read more

The British Fairground – A reflection of a modern society losing its charm? – by Lauren Downs, placement student

As we trundle forward into the abyss of ever-evolving technologies, globalisation and unprecedented connectedness, it often seems that we simultaneously become increasingly disconnected from one another, our local heritage, and the heritage of minority communities in our society. In this… Read more

Reflecting on the present through the past – by Rose Bibby, placement student

Folk songs often tell the stories of everyday people. They expose counter narratives to accepted history and allow personal connections to be made across time, age and class. I have been involved in folk traditions my whole life; the stories… Read more

Real life doesn’t always sound as it should – by Kristina Holmberg

Unlocking Our Sound Heritage – from a placement student’s point of view “Real life doesn’t always sound as it should” (Roshani Chokshi, Aru Shah and the End of Time) We are so used to being told stories. Even real life is… Read more

Unlocking Our Sound Heritage

The Unlocking Our Sound Heritage Project is an exciting new UK wide project led by the British Library and funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund. Part of the British Library’s Save Our Sounds Programme, the project aims to digitally preserve… Read more